When you own a home, there are plenty of maintenance issues to worry about. Between taking care of the roof, clearing the drains and power washing the exterior, thinking about termites in your Phoenix, AZ, home may be the last thing you want to deal with. Maybe you’ve seen and heard the telltale signs of termites like:
- Rotted wood
- Termite debris
- Holes chewed in wood
- Unusual sounds in the walls
- Windows and doors that won’t shut
While it’s understandable that adding another home maintenance item to your already long “to do” list can be tough, the long-term effects of a termite infestation can be catastrophic for your property. Whether you plan on staying in your house for the long term, or you will be putting it on the market soon, don’t let your precious asset be destroyed by these tiny pests.
When allowed to breed, termites can take over your home and property. Although it takes between three to five years for a colony to mature, a single termite cluster can contain as many as 60,000 to a million termites. That’s a lot of hungry termites who are all more than willing to eat your support beams, walls and more.
Whether you suspect you have termites or already are noticing a large amount of decaying wood around your structure, it’s not too late to call in termite professionals to eradicate them from your home. If you do nothing, then your home will become unsafe and you’ll have lost a considerable investment. The cost to have a termite inspection and extermination done is minimal compared to the construction work costs to fix damaged wood.
Don’t put it off any longer, and call ACTION Termite & Pest Control for a professional termite inspection today. You deserve the peace of mind knowing your home is free from damaging pests like termites, and your important asset is being well maintained.