If termites get into your house structure, as thin as just a credit card within the woodwork of the house, they could easily get inside and begin to eat away at the inside, no visible signs. This makes it extremely important that proper termite control be done. Termites that are present in a home may not immediately show any signs of their presence, but slowly but surely they will destroy parts of the house or even move inside to other areas of the house. These destructive insects eat away at the wood, which makes them particularly dangerous and difficult to locate.
If you do not know that termite control has to be done, you should look for winged termite droppings. If you see any droppings on your wooden structural beams or walls, these are most likely termite eggs and you need to be looking for them before they hatch. You can spot the droppings by darkening the wooden surface – as the wings of an adult termite come up through the wood when they are ready to lay eggs, so too do these wings, but not until after they have already hatched and laid their eggs.
There are several termite control solutions available, such as liquids, powders, and aerosols. One of the best types of liquids that have been proven to be effective is termiticides, which are usually specially formulated to have insect-killing properties. Although these chemicals may be labeled as pesticides, only a few are actually termiticides, since this type of insecticide is different from pesticides – they are not technically poisons. These liquids are generally available at home stores and can be used by spraying directly on the affected area.
If you think you might need termite control in the Phoenix, AZ metro area contact our termite experts at ACTION Termite & Pest Control.